The Kats of Kayip Kedi Sanctuary

My book is finally published!! I AM SO EXCITED TO PRESENT my new book, The Kats of Kayip Kedi Sanctuary, which is now available on Amazon in Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and as a paperback. There are several chapters that you can read to get a feel for the book before you purchase it. If youContinue reading “The Kats of Kayip Kedi Sanctuary”

Sacred Mothers & Goddesses 10/11/2023

Amplified Awareness There is enough for everyone. Use your wisdom and power to manifest and achieve any goal. Be aware of your needs and desires. Do you feel envy? This is a normal human experience, so use it to your benefit. Instead of getting caught in envious thoughts and feelings, allow jealousy to be aContinue reading “Sacred Mothers & Goddesses 10/11/2023”

Message From Spirit 10/1/2023

There is no need to climb a mountain unless that is your goal. The answers you seek are not found on the top of a mountain. The answers are within you all along. It is possible to ‘find enlightenment’ wherever you are but that is because you brought it with you. Going to the mountains,Continue reading “Message From Spirit 10/1/2023”

Messages from the Mermaids Oracle 9/29/2023

Magic, Mystery and Blessings Open your eyes and heart to wonder and magic. Life is full of magical occurrences. A magical gift will soon be received or given. Here we see the ‘Mer-lin’ in his cave. He’s a powerful and wise wizard who weaves magic between the sea and the land. He’s giving the magicalContinue reading “Messages from the Mermaids Oracle 9/29/2023”

Dragon Oracle 9/21/2023

Brings you higher love so that you embody the Christ Light. Absorb the Christ Light. You are protected. Expand your heart and remain fifth-dimensional. You are blessed to receive this card, for the luminous golden Christed dragons will automatically flood you with the purest Christ Light. They will remind you that your heart is incrediblyContinue reading “Dragon Oracle 9/21/2023”

Pegasus Oracle 8/29/2023

The genius of the soul is such that it understands how to grow wisdom out of suffering. This means that our challenges are opportunities for our soul to heal. Through soul growth, we become wiser, more compassionate, clear, loving, kind, and free within our hearts to feel connected, yet independent. We discover an inner reserveContinue reading “Pegasus Oracle 8/29/2023”

A Talk with Creator

(My apologies if any of this blog triggers you. I really needed to express what I am feeling today, and I thank you for allowing me to share this with you. Many blessings.) Divine Creator, have I healed my heart only to feel the pain of others so intensely, so heart-wrenchingly open wounded? So, theContinue reading “A Talk with Creator”

Sacred Mothers & Goddesses 8/11/2023

Awakening and Victory Victory has come or is on its way. Stay on course and focus on your role. Allow things to blossom in their own season. Even though you fall back into your old ways of thinking at times, you are awakening and starting to see things differently. Keep focusing on this new vision.Continue reading “Sacred Mothers & Goddesses 8/11/2023”

Native Spirit Oracle 8/7/2023

Have faith and know that you’re divinely guided, even when you have doubts. Trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. Believe! You’ve planted your seeds; now allow Creator to do the rest. Even if you can’t see into the future, have faith that the path will be illuminated and go forward. If youContinue reading “Native Spirit Oracle 8/7/2023”

Magic of Unicorns Oracle 6/27/2023

Focus on your vision. Seek satisfaction and contentment. This card appears when you are ready to bring forward a soul desire, something that satisfies you at a deep soul level. It may be to express yourself through painting or creativity, to look after animals, to serve in some way, or to heal or help others.Continue reading “Magic of Unicorns Oracle 6/27/2023”