Magic of Unicorns Oracle 9/6/2023

Align with your essence. See your true colors. Unicorns are so pure that they can align with your soul, heal it and raise its frequency. Your soul has to be at least seventh-dimensional before you are allowed to incarnate on Earth and may be of an even higher frequency. Over aeons, you have had manyContinue reading “Magic of Unicorns Oracle 9/6/2023”

Magic of Unicorns Oracle 6/7/2022

ONENESS: Look for the common humanity. Invoke Lemurian light. This card is a reminder that we are all part of the divine. In essence we are one huge entity. Source is an ocean of love and we are all droplets of it. Each droplet, even when it is on a journey of individual experiences, remainsContinue reading “Magic of Unicorns Oracle 6/7/2022”